MON-TUE-WED: 9AM to 6PM , THU: 9AM to 7PM , FRI-SAT: 9AM - 5PM (813) 642-6858

Our Services

We’re open 10:00am – 8:00pm daily
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Secrets of relaxation

Cielo Spa’s philosophy is “beauty without downtime”. We provide a relaxing environment for our guests with our eclectic collection of products and services.

Satisfying our clients

Cielo Spa’s philosophy is “beauty without downtime”. We provide a relaxing environment for our guests with our eclectic collection of products and services.

Relaxation. No longer beyond your budget

Come experience the secrets of relaxation.


Cielo Spa’s philosophy is “beauty without downtime”. We provide a relaxing environment for our guests with our eclectic collection of products and services.

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Oil Massage

Cielo Spa’s philosophy is “beauty without downtime”. We provide a relaxing environment for our guests with our eclectic collection of products and services.

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Come experience the secrets of relaxation.

Come experience the secrets of relaxation.